Our Services
There's a place for you at any of our services. Come and join us, you will feel welcomed and loved.
Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Sunday Morning Service - Starts at 9:45 AM
Our Sunday morning services are filled with praise, worship, and encouragement through the Word of God. We offer teachings on how to live a fully engaged life for the Lord, all within a warm, family-like community. As our pastor loves to say, "If you're here, you're home."

Wednesday Night Service -
Starts at 6 PM
Worship - Word - Prayer
Our Wednesday services feature spirit-filled soaking worship, an encouraging, life-applicable Word, and personal time in prayer.

Sunday Afternoon Chinese Service -
Starts at 2 PM
Heading up the Chinese ministry, Pastor Jeff Yeh is wholly committed to serving the Chinese community. He focuses on teaching them how to be Ambassadors for Christ, setting aside traditional customs in favor of biblical principles. Through his efforts, he is truly helping to Prepare the Way for the Coming of the Lord.
Touch Heaven Community Church
10 Skyline Drive Canfield, Ohio 44406
(330) 286-3524 www.thcanfield.com
©2025 Touch Heaven Community Church
Service Times
Wednesday - 6 PM
Thursday Life Group - 6 PM
Sunday Service - 9:45 AM